A good project is the result of an Integrative Project Delivery (IPD), that is a collaborative alliance of a large, diversified and integrated team of professionals, working together to get the best possible building and to satisfy the customer’s requirements.
A design support tool is the BIM: Building Information Modeling, an integrated data platform that enables you to manage simultaneously different information of the project: geometrical, technical and economical.
Every time you import a three-dimensional element in the virtual 3D space, this “carries with it” all its properties and characteristics. For example a vertical closing system, made of several layers, includes the geometrical and physical characteristics of the different elements of which it is composed.
All information contained in the virtual 3D space, allows the various professionals of the team project to manage the entire design process, in real time: from the structure to the mechanical systems, from the definition of the façade to the development of the estimate-cost of the building.
The potential of BIM is more than the 3D, it is 4D for the management of the execution times, 5D for the economic assessment, 6D for the energy simulation and 7D for the Facility Management.
In fact, integrating BIM to specific software, allows you to develop the dynamic energy simulations of the project, responding to the request of the most diffuse sustainable protocols such as LEED®, Living Building Challenge™ and BREEAM®. Thanks to this system it is possible to evaluate the best and economically efficient strategies to maximize the energy performance of the building from the early stage of the design process.
The professionals of Macro Design Studio are able to manage the BIM platform as a project tool.