LBC Collaborative: Italy took off with a Green Drinks

LBC Collaborative: Italy took off with a Green Drinks
June 12, 2015 MDS

On Wednesday, June 10 Macro Design Studio organized the Green Drinks event in the “Clock” building at Progetto Manifattura. About forty people took part, being involved, among sandwiches and glasses of wine or apple juice, in the presentation of the Living Building Challenge Collaborative: Italy and in the storytelling of some participants in the REGENERATION contest, the design competition entirely based on the Living Building Challenge protocol.

On this occasion we also presented the 2015/2016 events calendar of the LBC Collaborative: Italy culminating in the second edition of the REGENERATION in April 2016.

Anyone who would like to participate and cooperate actively in LBCC Italy is invited to the monthly meetings (every first Thursday of the month) bringing ideas to develop together to create the local conditions supporting the development of “living” buildings, territories and communities.

Next meeting is scheduled on Thursday 2, July 2015.

See you there! 🙂

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