Macro Design Studio becomes a Just organization

Macro Design Studio becomes a Just organization
September 5, 2017 MDS

Macro Design Studio is a small company born in 2012 with the intention to provide holistic sustainability consulting services. The goal is to go beyond the triple bottom line and to guide clients, designers and companies to a new idea of products, buildings and communities with a positive impact on the environment.
We believe that, in order to do the best in our job, we don’t have only to be professionally serious and prepared, but also to be a stimulus and an example for the market.
This year we set a very high and truly ambitious goal: to become a Just organization, therefore we started to evaluate Macro Design Studio through the social justice and equity lens.
We got the Just label on August 31, and we are very proud of it. Macro Design Studio grew up and improves continuously thanks to this process led by the Just criteria divided in 6 areas, not only as self-evaluation, but also as guiding elements for their growth and continuous improvement.
We are sure that Just marks the beginning of a new era of corporate transparency and that after our first European experience other companies will use Just to evaluate themselves and improve their social justice and equity level.