LEED Green Rater European Network is born!

LEED Green Rater European Network is born!
November 16, 2017 MDS

certifiedhomes.eu website is online. It has been created by the GREN – Green Rater European Network to explain how certify a LEED residential building.

LEED v4 for Homes is the sustainability protocol for single-family or multi-family residential buildings. Unlike the other LEED protocols, LEED for Homes requires mandatory on-site verification services provided by an accredited professional: the LEED Green Rater.

From here the will to develop the GREN – Green Rater European Network, a voluntary European initiative to promote the application of LEED for Homes in Europe.

Have a look at certifiedhomes.eu and search for the Green Rater closest to you.

For more info: info@macrodesignstudio.it
